Monday, November 10, 2014

Southern State of Mind

Around this time last year I was getting ready to redeploy back home.

While a lot has changed since then, I heard a song today that I hadn't heard since then and I wanted to put some words down.

This time last year was great. My sister and brother-in-law put me up at their place for a few days while I was looking for a new apartment, and my family was coming into Charleston to spend some time together.

Thanksgiving was great too. Ann and Kelvin were wonderfully hospitable and had dinner at their place. And a few days after, I got invited up to Columbia, SC and tailgated the Carolina/Clemson game with my buddy Spencer.

It was the best time I had in a while ...

Somewhere on 26W (just outside of Summerville) I heard Darius Rucker and Shawn Mullins', "Solitude" on the radio.

Then I heard the Gamecock's fight song ...

... I remember it like it was yesterday, too cool!

I don't know if it was the feeling of just being back in the US, the color of the leaves changing on the roadside as I sped along the interstate or the combination of the smell of cigar smoke and an open window, but I felt that things were moving as they should.

I spent that afternoon drinking keg-beer out of a trashcan, freezing because I was severely underdressed, joking with college kids and smoking the occasional Marlboro Red, but I was in good company.

I'm getting ready for the holidays again, but on the other coast this year. Not too much else to report. But as we say back in Charleston ... life is good y'all!

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