Saturday, December 14, 2013


"Hello, I'm Johnny Star!"
It's been roughly three weeks since I've gotten back. And, needless to say, a lot is going on...

After just getting moved into my new place, there's a serious possibility that I might be moving ...again. It's almost surreal, but for so long I've been looking for a career change (something that involves what I studied in college.) Moving doesn't bother me; I've been doing this since I was 2. I just didn't think it would happen THIS quickly.

God has a plan though and I just need to go with it, regardless if I'm comfortable with it or not.

I'm not going to lie, it's hard to focus on the here and now. I still have friends who aren't with their families and who are still waiting to come home. When my dad retired years ago, his commander spoke about how when people leave the civilian sector they get their gold watch and talk about how they can't wait to get out. In the military though, things are different. Sure, I pissed and moaned cause of the cold weather at times, but I can honestly say that I could go back again right now if I needed to.

However, I was blessed and fortunate enough to get home early and spend the holidays with my family and friends. Spending Thanksgiving with my family and seeing my parents after more than a year was awesome. My sister and brother-in-law were very hospitable and did a great job putting up with my bro, his fiance' and myself. As much fun as that was though, a good friend invited me to the upstate and tailgate the Carolina / Clemson game. Drinking PBR from a keg, smoking cigars, sitting on the tailgate of a supped-up Chevy listening to Darius Rucker and Hootie blair from speakers was too much fun!

That's about it for now. I just got back from a Stingray's game and am gonna put away a few beers. It's mid-December, roughly 70 degrees and humid as all-get-out! I miss the cold!

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