Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Writin' on Wednesday!

Today is the first day of 2014. And, it seems like a good opportunity to do some, "wordsmithing!" (That's for you Chap. a little inside, I know)

Overall, life is good.

For me, life is great as a matter of fact! I didn't really understand until last summer how blessed I am. But, as I'm doing some traveling over the holidays, I'm seeing it more and more.

Don't misunderstand me though. I don't mean that everything is perfect; nothing is perfect. However, my Christian faith has been guiding me through some pretty tough stuff: new friends, old friends, family, life etc!

Enough about that though. I've been busy the past few weeks. Moving, traveling and what-not so I'd like to share some pics...

                               NEW APARTMENT




Although, Chicago didn't end up beating Philly it was a great experience. We met some awesome Bears fans and had a blast tailgating. My bro went above and beyond...picked me up after a delayed flight, then drove all the way to Philly and back!

California has been a lot of fun, but I ain't done yet stop Reno!

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