Friday, January 17, 2014

Jesus Calling

I'll get to the title soon enough, but I'm inspired to write. So, let's get to it...

Words can't describe how amazing last week was. I got to see Becky again. And, was introduced to some incredible people to say the least.

I left SoCal for Reno, Nevada the first week in January. I had just spent an excellent Christmas with my parents, whom I hadn't seen in more than a year. And, I got my butt handed to me in golf by my dad twice.

I don't own an iPod, so I was re-reading "Skydog," a biography of Duane Allman on board the plane. As we made our initial descent into Reno/Tahoe International Airport, I couldn't help but think of the legendary guitarist Johnny Cash. All I could hear in my mind was the guitar intro for Cash's, "Cocaine Blues." I guess it makes sense. I've never been to Reno and the only images my brain would correlate with the city at the time was of Cash because of his lyric in "Folsom Prison Blues." And, its connection to Reno.

Not to mention the movie, "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation." There's a scene in the film when Clark Griswold's relative, Uncle Eddy, comes to visit and his kid is wearing a t-shirt that says "Nevada," on it. Pretty random,  I know. But what else would y'all expect from me; plus I've done worse.

As we made our final descent and eventually touched down on the runway, I was completely relaxed. There was no anxiety, panic or anything like that. I was happy because in a little while I would see my friend again.

The week consisted of a plethora of activities: snowboarding, skiing, bar-hopping, hot-tubbing, acoustic-guitar jam sessions, playing trains with a toddler, getting the third-degree from older sisters, spending the night in a haunted hotel's room-number 13 and getting put-in-my-place when it comes to drinking Scotch. But, even though I'm a light-weight, I can't remember having a better time. Honestly, no joshin'. As I think about it now, I miss it. I miss Reno!

I thought for a long time what this title should be. But, nothing seemed more appropriate than, "Jesus Calling."

While I was deployed last summer I met Becky. Somewhere around the halfway point of our deployment she gave me a daily devotional book entitled, "Jesus Calling." This has been the best gift anyone has given me. She has done more for me than she'll ever know. And, I am very grateful. She brought me back to my faith; not only as a Christian. But, more importantly as a Catholic. As I'm writing this, I'm reflecting back on my years in the service.  For those of you that know me, you know there have been many ups and downs.

Despite this, Jesus has always been calling; I've just been too stubborn to listen. I'm all ears now: thank you Becky!

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