Sunday, February 23, 2014


I can't believe February is almost over. I feel like it just began disappointed I haven't written in a while. Oh well, there's no better time than the present. This month has been a pretty eventful one...

Nate and I at Guitar Center in Raleigh, NC

Officially I'm back at work. I started learning my new job that I got almost a year ago, pretty crazy!

Overall, it's good. I like the people I work with. I'm very fortunate to be in the position I am. Family, friends, work and finances not to mention my revived interest in guitar. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year will bring. But, I'm not going to wish my days away. I'm very blessed!

I experienced my first Combat Dining-In with my reserve family a couple weeks ago. It was such a fun time! My first weekend back with my unit since redeploying home, we are a real family! Although, this might be my last year. Not sure how else to explain it, but I'm looking forward to a change in scenery. And, I think I found it out West.

Last week was Valentine's Day. It was pretty great! I got to send someone very special a gift that totally took them by surprise. And, I got to treat my "second-parents" to dinner at Steel City Pizza, drink some good beer and get nostalgic for a bit!

As for THIS weekend...

A very early guitar lesson Saturday morning, turned into a very quick PT session afterwards; followed by several hours of blues-scale practicing and a few Sierra Nevadas. "...I got blisters on me fingers!" No joke, they hurt ...but in a totally good way. On a completely other note, my guitar teacher complimented me on some previous articles I published. And, said I have a knack for it.

That feels pretty damn good!

I'm finishing this up listening to Pandora and sipping a brew ...Pearl Jam's, "Yellow Ledbetter," is just about to crescendo. Today was an awesome day. I spent the morning enjoying a great homily at mass. And, being inspired by Him once again. After that I spent some time preparing for a PT test next month. Then, I spent some time with my family across town and had a great dinner.

Can't believe I'll be turning the big Three-O this month!

...Milhouse out

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