Thursday, May 8, 2014

Please Call Home

So much to write about and it's only the second week in May!

Self-disclosure is a son-of-a-bitch; especially when the recipient is clueless!

Oh well, what started out as a really miserable drill-weekend turned into something really positive (for the most part). 

I got a promotion! I remember in 2009 when I officially joined the NCO tier, there was this different atmosphere during the ceremony compared to this one. I'm not quite sure how to explain it. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were in full swing then, and it was as if there were no signs of slowing down.

The transformation from the Airman to NCO tier is really a privilege. But, I liked this most recent promotion a lot more. We've slowed down since then, and it's been a tough transition, but I'm beginning to see all the potential out there and I'm really excited! I can honestly say I haven't thought that way in years.

I've been listening to a lot of blues lately. I think it has something to do with this being my last summer in the South.  I'm definitely going to miss that. There's something about a guitar picker sitting' under Spanish Moss hanging from an Oak tree that's older than America itself, singing about something from the soul. I'm so grateful I got to experience this!

Not too long ago, I spent a Sunday afternoon at Folly with the family. We spent the afternoon drinking cold beer and watching the Chicago Blackhawks beat St. Louis in 80-degree heat with full humidity... not sure if I'll miss that though! After lunch we went to the pier to do some fishing. I lost two lines due to my own negligence, but I did catch a fish using Finger Mullet that day. 

It's going to be a great summer! I need to grab some dinner and a beer, see ya!

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