Friday, May 31, 2013

Meanwhile ...back in the AOR!

So the last two weeks have been pretty interesting to say the least.

I haven't done this job for quite some time now, but I guess that's why it's called "muscle memory," it all comes back to you the second you need it.

I've been thinking how I want to start this post; my first post written from the AOR. The past (almost) ten years have gone by quicker than I could have ever imagined. A decade is a long time for anything a relationship, a war. As I'm writing, I'm thinking about my past deployments to Kuwait and Iraq and I remember them vividly; each one had a different mission, but each one was significant because they gave me a rare opportunity to experience, first hand, this war in all its stages: the first few years, the surge and now...

I'm not sure what to label this stage. Does it even have one? Part of me wants this to be the final stage, the closer, where we all pack up and head home. However, part of me doesn't want this to end.

All in all life is good, my faith is strong and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next several months have in store!

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