Tuesday, June 25, 2013

She thinks my tractor's sexy

The hash marks under the bill of my cover are adding up. The stained-line of sweat on the brim of it has gotten darker too and the blue digital-camouflage has begun to fade to Army grey. I like this, little things that you notice during deployments as each day passes.

It's been a pretty great past week so here we go...

I got to see my Blackhawks defeat the Bruins in game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals and take the cup for a second time in four years, that was awesome. Although, the icing on the cake was the aircrew I picked up just before the puck dropped. They were a bunch of Boston fans and talked a lot of trash ...how ya like them apples now!

I got a lot of personal stuff accomplished back in the states too. I'm excited to see what'll happen when I get back in the fall, can't wait!

Also, I finished a new song on the guitar. It's nothing like the old songs and I can't wait to put this one up! I ordered some stuff online that'll help me get a good recording so I can put them up with my blog!

Aside from that I've been busy working, a lot of tractor trailer stuff, but hell ...big trucks rock!

Enjoy the pics!

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