Saturday, July 6, 2013

July is here!

Summertime is here! July is upon us, moving right along and while normally I would be enjoying this time of year at Folly Beach, surfing bath-water-temperature small waves and enjoying a nice cold SweetWater 420 in the sweltering LowCountry heat, I'm spending it halfway around the world ...deployed. However, I'm not complaining ...I have a feeling it's still gonna be a great summer regardless.

Back when I was active duty I used to hear a lot of people talk about how much they'll miss the people they worked with when they PCS, retire or redeploy. I used to think that I was like that, that I used to work all these great people I miss working with. And while it is true, I do miss some of the people, I definitely don't miss everyone.

A few days ago we got to celebrate the fourth of July. There was a USO show and plenty of events around the FOB for all to enjoy. After work, a lot of us ended up enjoying our two beers patio side as the sun went down and as time passed, more and more people showed up. It was a great way to spend the evening; meetin' people within the squadron, bullshittin' about work and life stateside ...just talkin'! I like these people, this is a good deployment!

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