Friday, June 7, 2013

This is 29

There's not much to do on a FOB when it's your day off. Hell, there's not much to do on a FOB regardless, but it is what it is. However, since it was my day off I took advantage of what time I had and decided to relax. One of the movies playing at the morale tent was "This is 40," the sequal to the 2007 movie "Knocked Up."

Ironically, just like the first installment came out around my deployment in 2007, this one came out right before my current deployment.

As I sat in the darkened theater, drinking my fourth or fifth bottled water of the day and laughing hysterically, I thought about the type of person I was five years ago when I first saw this cast. I was obviously younger, a bit more naive and pretty ignorant I must say. That time was a pretty pivitol moment in my life and while I thought (at the time) that I knew what lay ahead; the good Lord decided to throw a curve ball shortly thereafter and I ended up on an entirely different path. One thats been filled with trials and tribulations, but one that I see now has a much better future then I could have ever wanted.

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