Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday Funday

Alright, another day down and I'm just about at my halfway mark. It was a pretty eventful week so here we go...

I've spent a large portion of my time here reading fiction, history, biographies and financial books. Just a few days ago I got Killing Lincoln in a care package from my parents and am more than halfway done. Although, I've still got a few more books to finish, I'm not sure if I'll donate them to the chapel before I'm wheels up or take them with me. Who knows if they'll even get a good home, only time will tell what happens to this place next year.

Speaking of the chapel, last Wednesday I put in several hours helping out the staff. It was slow until a bunch of Marines came in and needed supplies before heading downrange. They've got a pretty cool group of people running it and do a lot more for us than we know. My faith in Him has grown stronger each day, its indescribable at times. I'd like to write a story about them before I leave. 

I've mentioned in previous blogs how happy I am to be here. And I am, but the simple fact that I'll be returning to civilian life is a little stressful. I have an excellent network of people back home and love it there, but I need to make up my mind soon about what I'm going to do when I get back stateside. I've never had THIS much freedom before and it's a bit overwhelming.

Well thats about it for now, I'm not feeling the greatest today so I'm gonna turn in, hopefully I'll feel better in the morning!

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