Saturday, August 24, 2013

One hundred days and counting!

One hundred days have passed since I left America; I miss my family and friends. But, there has been so much going on since my last post I figure that this is a great time to get some stuff down.

One hundred days ago I departed Fayetteville, NC aboard a small engine airplane and began my third deployment. I spent the last night before my rotator in Norfolk, VA and went through about twelve Heineken. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The following day and throughout the fourteen-hour flight across the pond, one thing weighed heavily on my mind's been more than five years since I've deployed, can I still do this?

As I reflect on the past few months here I can answer this with an unwavering, "Fuckin'-A I can!"

Providing support for real-world contingences (Shell 77), transporting fallen warriors (there's nothing more sobering than seeing your nation's flag draped over the casket of one of your own as they're enroute back home) ...performing this job again has inspired me in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

If you've never worn the uniform, than it's impossible to fully appreciate the gravity of our situation, especially when the impressions of us given these days are politically motivated and unjust in the media, on both sides.

It's been an eye-opening past few months, I have so much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're doing well, buddy, and thanks for all you do. I owe you a beer when you get back. Stay safe! -Katelyn
