Saturday, April 12, 2014


What a UTA! What a week! What a weekend!'s been cra-cra so let's get busy!

An extremely productive drill weekend is behind me and another one is shortly approaching! Nothing is official yet, but I'm hoping to go from Reserve to Guard very soon! I was able to get a lot accomplished in the way of paperwork and have been doing my own homework about jobs, school and the what-not!

It's not just a job, it's an adventure ...oh wait, wrong branch. Dad taught me better than that!

During drill I had a mandatory VA briefing. While I initially wanted to puke at the thought of yet another mandatory briefing, I left quite motivated and inspired. It turns out I have plenty of benefits I have rightly deserved and will be taking full advantage of ...I think I see a Master's degree in my future ...and a re-class into another AFSC!

I'm writing this while listening to Pearl Jam's, "Yield." Pretty sure I'm listening to it cause Bill and I were watching, "PJ20" after writing music all day yesterday.

By the way, we're recording a new album soon ...stay tuned! It's so much more advanced than Three Strike Loser, can't wait! No idea about band names or song titles, but we still rock so we're gonna put it on tape before I head out!

Today was awesome. I had an awesome guitar lesson, studied A LOT, hit the gym, went to mass and got to work on my golf swing ...SNL is about to come on so I gotta go!

"...Go West young man!"

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